Mindset: Settling Our Souls, Setting Our Intentions (Single Workshop) 4/10


Mindset: Settling Our Souls, Setting Our Intentions 

Thursday, April 10th

9:00am PT | 12:00pm ET

The Baal Shem Tov teaches us that we are where our thoughts are. In this workshop, we will explore techniques for quieting the mind and engaging the body before sitting in ceremony. We will learn the art of writing personal and communal kavanot—intentions for doing this work, and how to hold them lightly as we enter into expansion. 

View the full six-part series here.


Mindset: Settling Our Souls, Setting Our Intentions 

Thursday, April 10th

9:00am PT | 12:00pm ET

The Baal Shem Tov teaches us that we are where our thoughts are. In this workshop, we will explore techniques for quieting the mind and engaging the body before sitting in ceremony. We will learn the art of writing personal and communal kavanot—intentions for doing this work, and how to hold them lightly as we enter into expansion. 

View the full six-part series here.

Mindset: Settling Our Souls, Setting Our Intentions 

Thursday, April 10th

9:00am PT | 12:00pm ET

The Baal Shem Tov teaches us that we are where our thoughts are. In this workshop, we will explore techniques for quieting the mind and engaging the body before sitting in ceremony. We will learn the art of writing personal and communal kavanot—intentions for doing this work, and how to hold them lightly as we enter into expansion. 

View the full six-part series here.