Shuva: Returning to Ourselves

September 29, 2024

Urban Adamah, Berkeley, CA
1151 Sixth St, Berkeley, CA 94710

Details + Logistics

Key Dates

Cohort + Facilitation Team Preparation Sessions (Zoom)

Sunday, 9/15 | 5:00-7:30pm PT

Sunday, 9/22 | 5:00-7:30pm PT

Day Long Retreat (Berkeley, CA)

Sunday, 9/29 | 9:00am - 5:00pm PT

Cohort + Facilitation Team Integration Sessions (Zoom)

Monday, 9/30 | 7:00-8:00pm PT

Sunday, 10/6 | 7:00-8:00pm PT (optional)

Retreat Schedule

9-9:30am: Welcome, intention setting

9:30-10:00am: Learning and singing together

10:00-10:15am: Settling meditation

10:15-10:35am: Preparing our space and ourselves

10:35-10:45am: Invocation and Ceremony Opening

10:45am-12:45pm: Medicine ceremony

12:45-1:30pm: Ceremony closing and First Shares

1:30-2:30pm: Sharing a meal and integration 

2:30-3:45pm: Group integration open studio process

3:45-5:00pm: Closing circle and shalom for now

Ceremony specifics

  • Before getting started, we will review our journey guidelines on the day-of. As discussed during our last prep call, if you know you will need comforting touch (hands, shoulder) in a certain way or do not want to be touched at all, please let me know and I will inform the team.  

  • Please spend some time articulating your own intention for your journey. 

What to Bring

  • A water bottle

  • A pillow, sheet, and cozy blanket (or more, based on how comfy you want to be)

  • Comfortable clothes and socks with both arms accessible for dosing

  • Any item which is grounding or comforting to hold or have near you during the ceremony (stuffed animal, pictures, etc.) 

  • An item which represents your intention to be placed on the makom kavanah (altar)


  • Please take some time to articulate your purpose for doing this work for yourself, which can be shared with the group before we begin, or just kept to yourself. As a reminder, our group intentions are “to be present and engaged with whatever the medicine is showing us,” and “coming in peace and returning in peace.” Your intentions, perhaps no more than three, can touch on any number of topics: 

    • Returning to…

    • Challenges & Struggles

    • Encountering/Savoring What's Working

    • Relationship Healing

    • Philosophical/Spiritual Context

    • Somatic & Embodied Exploration

    • Other Explorations, Beyond and Within

    You can phrase them as hopes for yourself, “May I…” or hopeful prayers, “I want/wish/hope/pray…,” or whatever language feels most supportive and nourishing to you. You can also spend time focusing on the “little picture,” simply settling the mind and body. 


  • Please arrange a ride to and from Urban Adamah at 1151 Sixth St, Berkeley, CA 94710 (rideshare is ok). You’ll be asked to confirm your plans on the day-of when you check-in. 

  • Participant check-in starts at 8:30AM. Please arrive on time. If you are arriving late, please let Chloe know as soon as possible so we can arrange to receive you. 

  • Our journey starts at 10:30—please refrain from eating by 7:30am and drinking by 9:30am 

  • Please remember to hold any medications determined and discussed with Dr. Taus. 

  • We are encouraging fist bumps and handshakes in place of hugs.